Category: Department News
Building the Future Series: The Outlook for Automation of Road Transportation
CEE’s Building the Future Webinar series hosts a presentation and Q&A about cities using autonomy to change their transportation systems for the better
Pelham Scholar Elle Dietz Blends Passions for Art and Math to Achieve Her Goals
Student Brings Multidisciplinary Background to CEE
Congratulations to Glen Daigger
CEE’s Daigger named 2022 Gordon Maskew Fair Award recipient
Congratulations to Seymour Spence and his former PhD student, Zhicheng Ouyang
Their paper, “A Performance-Based Wind Engineering Framework for Envelope Systems of Engineered Buildings Subject to Directional Wind and Rain Hazards,” was selected by the ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering as the Best Paper in Structural Hazards for 2020.
CEE Professor Co-Authors Journal Review of China’s Trends for Wastewater Management
CEE professor Glen Daigger continues the department’s focus on engineers in service to society through his review of the evolution of wastewater management in China. Daigger has co-authored the article, “Emerging Trends and Prospects for Municipal Wastewater Management in China.” His journal review will be published in the March issue of ACS ES&T Engineering and…
Building the Future Series: A Conversation about Adaptation
CEE’s Building the Future Webinar series hosts a presentation and Q&A about adapting to the rising levels of the sea.
Alexander Sundt Receives Outstanding Student of the Year Award (SOYA) for 2022
The Center for Connected and Automated Transportation announces this year’s Outstanding Student of the Year
Q&A with Henry Liu, Mcity’s new director
University of Michigan’s mobility research center has been realigned under Michigan Engineering.