Sequential Undergraduate/Graduate Studies (SUGS) Applicants

About the SUGS Program
- The SUGS program is a program of the Rackham Graduate School which enables students to pursue a five-year combined BSE/MSE. All Engineering programs use SUGS except for EECS, which uses CUGS.
- Eligibility: Civil and Environmental Engineering undergraduate students who will be within 6 credit hours of graduation the term in which they start the SUGS program may apply. Additional SUGS admission requirements are set by Rackham.
- The CEE Graduate Admissions Committee follows Rackham’s policy for consideration for admission and requirements. Admission to the SUGS Program is not guaranteed and the application may be commuted to an MSE or MEng program based on the graduate admissions committee recommendations.
- Students earning dual bachelor’s degrees are NOT eligible for SUGS.
Application Process
- Applicants submit the Rackham application (for students who have never enrolled in Rackham), the application fee, required credentials and SUGS Election Form.
- International applicants are also required to submit financial certification.
- A note about the GRE: SUGS students in CEE are not required to take the GRE, but it is encouraged that they do so.
- Deadline: The deadline for Fall admission is January 15, and the deadline for Winter admission is October 1.
- The student, in consultation with undergraduate and graduate advisors, develops a program that meets both the requirements for the master’s degree and those for the awarding of the bachelor’s degree. This program must be recorded on the SUGS Election Form in an attempt to avoid any difficulties before the student enrolls in the SUGS program.
The SUGS Election Form is available in the Student Services office or on the Rackham website.
Enrollment Information
- SUGS students do not dual register. The registration window opens on the first day of classes.
- Students will enroll in Rackham for any term within 12 months of graduation with the approval of the program. In a few instances students may have up to 6 credits of the undergraduate program outstanding upon enrollment in Rackham in accordance with Rackham rules. The undergraduate degree can be awarded as soon as the degree requirements are met.
- Must be registered for a minimum of 2 full (9 credit) terms, paying full tuition in Rackham only with no other U-M registration.
- For current SUGS students: Any changes in course elections or substitutions of course requirements needs to be approved by both undergraduate and graduate advisors, and a new SUGS form should be sent to Rackham. Rackham Academic Records and Dissertations (OARD) reviews and approves the final copy of the SUGS Election Form.
Double-Counting and Transfer of Credit Information
- CEE will allow a maximum of 6 credit hours to double count (9 credits could then transfer provided they meet rules regarding transfer credit).
- A maximum of 15 credit hours taken outside the Rackham career may be allowed. This includes credits that are double counted, transferred from the U-M undergraduate program, transferred from outside of U-M.
- Required undergraduate courses will not be double counted, but courses elected to meet technical or free elective BSE requirements may be double counted.
- Double-counted and transfer courses must have grades of “B” or above and fit into and satisfy the respective MSE degree requirements.