Resources for an Inclusive Community

For Students

Programs and Student Services

Mental Health and Conflict Resolution

  • Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) has one full-time counselor available for all currently enrolled students within the College of Engineering.
  • The Engineering C.A.R.E Center focuses on assisting engineering students in successfully transitioning through a variety of challenging circumstances that can impact their lives.
  • Mentoring programs in the College of Engineering
  • Graduate student mentoring programs in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • The Office of the Ombuds provides a confidential space for talking about any campus issue, concern, problem, or dispute.
  • The Office of Student Conflict Resolution (OSCR) provides a variety of programs and services designed to support a safe, just, and peaceful community
  • The Rackham Resolution Office provides a safe and confidential environment to discuss concerns.

Teaching and Learning

For Faculty and Staff

For Everyone

Education and Skill Building

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Jordan Marshall, Community Projects Coordinator

Room 2112 GGB

(734) 615-8177

Jordan serves on the the Community Engagement and Empowerment (CEE) Committee, interacts with all sub-committees and supports students in one-on-one consultation. She provides support for strategic planning, implementing, and evaluating initiatives outlined by the committee, with particular emphasis on programs that primarily enhance the community environment for students, faculty and staff.