Have a concern?
If you have experienced or been witness to discrimination, harassment or misconduct of any kind and would like to report it, here are some of the ways to do so. (This may not be an exhaustive list):
Please note, the Chair, Associate Chairs, Department Administrator and most faculty are “individuals with reporting obligations” (IRO) (page 16), which means they are mandated to report certain incidents to the Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS) and/or the Equity, Civil Rights & Title IX Office (ECRT). If the accusation is of sexual or gender-based misconduct, it must be reported to ECRT.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, there is help for you. Do not hesitate to reach out for help:
- Call 9-1-1 to be connected to the Department of Public Safety and Security (DPSS) – non-confidential.
- UM Psychiatric Emergency Services – (734) 996-4747
- Non-emergency line (734) 763-1131
If you are not in immediate danger, but need someone to talk with right now, please call one of the following 24/7, 365 days/year, resources:
Campus 24-Hour Services:
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) After Hours Urgent Support – (734) 764-8312 (Press 0)
- UM Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness – (734) 936-3333
- Dean of Students – (734) 764-7420
National 24-Hour Hotlines:
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
- Military Veterans: press 1
- Para español: oprima 2
- The Trevor Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386
- Trevor provides suicide prevention and crisis intervention to LGBTQ young people ages 13-24.
- TrevorChat is available 7 days a week 3:00 pm-9:00 pm EST.
- TrevorText is available Fridays 4:00 pm-8:00 pm EST. Text the word “Trevor” to 1-202-304-1200.
- Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1
- The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring, Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text.
- You can access the chat HERE.
- You may also send a text to 838255.
- Crisis Text Line – (Confidential)
- Text line for students, staff and faculty who may be struggling with feelings of isolation, anxiety, or depression.
- U-M campus faculty, staff, and students can text ‘4UMICH’ to 741741.
- Please note that HIPAA compliance policies do apply to using this service, and all text conversations are private and secure. You need not be in crisis to use this service for support.
The Equity, Civil Rights & Title IX Office (ECRT) (formerly the Office for Institutional Equity (OIE)) is the official reporting and investigative body of the university for claims of discrimination, harassment and sexual or gender-based misconduct.
- Phone: (734) 763-0235
- Email: ecrtoffice@umich.edu
- File a Report of Discrimination, Harassment or Sexual Misconduct
- Individuals can report by identifying themselves or anonymously via this form. If anonymity is preferable, community members are able to report anonymously by typing “anonymous” or “n/a” in any of the fields requesting identifying information.
- To join our office hours, please visit the Remote Office Hours Queue, and enter the name or Uniqname of the Investigator that is available.
The Engineering C.A.R.E Center (for students):
- Phone: (734) 615-1405
- Email: engin-support@umich.edu
- Located on North Campus in Chrysler 129.
- There are multiple routes to get the help you need. We try to streamline the help-seeking process by being an easy and central place to ask for help.
- You may reach us by phone or by email Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (as of 4/6/22)
The Division of Public Safety & Security (DPSS): To report criminal activity theft, violence or assault (including sexual assault, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence). There is not an option to report anonymously to DPSS.
- Phone: (734) 763-1131
- Email: dpss-safety-security@umich.edu
If you become aware of or suspect wrongful conduct, or believe you have been the subject of retaliation, you are encouraged to report their concerns or to seek guidance or help from one of the available university resources described below:
- For Students: The Dean of Students Office (DOS): (734) 764-7420
- For Faculty: Academic Human Resources: (734) 763-8938
- For Staff: Staff Human Resources: (734) 763-2387
For general feedback or concerns related to discrimination, bias, stereotype, behavior, or university policy, please contact Campus Climate Support.
- Phone: (734) 615-2427
- Dean of Students Where to Report
For student-to-student conflict resolution please contact the following:
- Office of Student Conflict Resolution (OSCR) (Undergraduate Students)
- Rackham Resolution Office (Graduate Students)
Confidential resources are available to provide individuals with assistance, support, and additional information. Disclosures to a Confidential Resource are not considered a formal report to the University. Confidential Resources may be required to report non-identifying information to DPSS for crime reporting purposes. For more information on confidential resources please see the 601.90 SPG 601.90 SPG Protection from Retaliation, section V.
Student, Faculty and Staff Ombuds: a confidential, impartial, informal and independent resource for information or conflict management.
- University Student Ombuds (734) 763–3545 – a place where all students are welcome to come and talk in confidence about any campus issue, concern, problem, or dispute.
- University Faculty Ombuds (734) 763-2707
- University Staff Ombuds (734) 936-0600
Wolverine Wellness (for students):
- Our primary purpose is to foster personal & community well-being for U-M students, in college and beyond.
- If you have any questions, please send an email to ContactUHS@umich.edu or call 734-763-1320
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC):
- For confidential sexual assault or harassment support. For U-M students, faculty and staff who are survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking and sexual harassment.
- 24-hour Crisis Line: (734) 936-3333
- Office Phone: (734) 764-7771
- Email: SAPAC@umich.edu
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS):
- For short-term counseling for students call (734) 764-8312 (includes 24 hour service).
Faculty and Staff Counseling and Consultation Office (FASCCO):
- For short-term counseling, personalized coaching and educational presentations, staff, faculty and their immediate family members call (734) 936-8660
- For an external resource for faculty, staff, students 24 hour crisis line call (734) 995-5444
Sexual Assault Services at University Health (UHS) for students and employees:
- UHS provides medical services for those who have experienced sexual assault, including sexual assault medical exams conducted by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) from Washtenaw County: (734) 764-8320
Please note, there are limitations to anonymous reporting. There are situations where anonymous reports can provide enough information to investigate (i.e. text messages, emails, eye witnesses, etc.), but often there is not enough information included in an anonymous concern to investigate.
For anonymous reporting, you may fill out the following online complaint forms:
UM Ethics, Integrity & Compliance:
- Use this Compliance Online Reporting to report a concern. Please note that in order for them to investigate, you have to provide enough information. You will receive a confirmation number that you can use to go back into the system and check for responses or questions from the investigator. It’s important that you:
- Hold onto the confirmation number (don’t lose it)
- Hold onto the link, and
- Check for updates.
- You can also add to your original message if you think of another detail later, or something related happens after you’ve sent the report. There’s an option for the investigator to request an anonymous chat session to clarify details of your report.
- Phone: (866) 990-0111
- Reports of sexual or gender based misconduct can be reported anonymously through U-M’s 24/7 compliance hotline.
- Please note that individuals are able to report by identifying themselves or anonymously via the compliance hotline.
- All concerns involving discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct received by the compliance hotline are directly routed to ECRT.
ECRT – Individuals can report by identifying themselves or anonymously via this form.
- Phone: (734) 763-0235
- Email: ecrtoffice@umich.edu
- File a Report of Discrimination, Harassment or Sexual Misconduct
- If anonymity is preferable, community members are able to report anonymously by typing “anonymous” or “n/a” in any of the fields requesting identifying information.
- If you provide an anonymous report to ECRT with sufficient information about the situation, it could be used by ECRT to monitor a person’s potential pattern of behavior.
- If you have any questions about the limitations of anonymous reporting, please contact ECRT directly.
NOTE: Do not use this form for incident reporting. This CEE Anonymous Feedback Form can be used for your additional suggestions, opinions and questions.