MiTSO Team Wins 2022 Transportation Technology Tournament
UM-CEE Michigan Transportation Student Organization (MiTSO) won the Transportation Technology Tournament
UM-CEE Michigan Transportation Student Organization (MiTSO) won the Transportation Technology Tournament
Congratulations to the UM-CEE Michigan Transportation Student Organization (MiTSO) on taking the gold and earning the title of 2022 Transportation Technology Tournament winner! Their creative safety solutions leveraged the Connected Automated Vehicle (CAV) Corridor environment in Detroit’s Corktown neighborhood.
“We worked with MDOT (Michigan Department of Transportation) to address pedestrian safety concerns associated with the Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) corridor project connecting Ann Arbor and Detroit, focusing our solution to address pedestrian safety concerns in the Corktown neighborhood,” said team lead Zhichen Liu. ”We proposed a two-part solution that aims at enhancing safety equity and building trust and acceptance with the local community with respect to the CAV corridor.”
It featured:
1. “Infrastructure-focused solutions” that introduce a novel Signaling System to enable CAV-pedestrian interactions and reuse CAV sensors to assist vulnerable pedestrians.
2. “Management-focused solutions” that involve cybersecurity and public engagement.
Tournament judges noted that the project “touches on substantial emerging challenges, such as pedestrian security, equity, and CAV trust, and offers novel and practical solutions to these challenges.” Judges also cited:
1. Great collaboration with all stakeholders and agencies involved.
2. Great teamwork.
Congratulations again to the team– Zhichen Liu, Lily Craighead, Akshay Jalluri, and Ting Fong Chen–and faculty advisor, Prof. Neda Masoud!
The tournament was hosted by the National Operations Center of Excellence and the U.S. Department of Transportation Intelligent Transportation Systems, and held at this year’s ITE annual meeting in New Orleans. It is a competition for students to work directly with public agencies to solve real-world transportation problems utilizing ITS and Transportation Systems Management and Operations solutions.
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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering