Several CEE faculty receive COE awards for 2020-2021
Eight faculty members are recognized for their research, teaching and outreach.
Eight faculty members are recognized for their research, teaching and outreach.
Eight faculty members from Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) have received faculty awards from the College of Engineering (COE). The awards, which span achievements in teaching, research and university service, are as follows.
Edward Law Emeritus Outstanding Service Award
Steven Wright
Emeritus Professor Steven Wright received the Edward Law Emeritus Outstanding Service Award, which honors emeritus professors who have gone above and beyond in supporting college endeavors after retirement.
“I am personally very grateful for Steve’s service to CEE as an Emeritus faculty member, most especially stepping in to serve as the instructor for CEE421 this past Fall. We are extremely fortunate to continue to have his help and guidance ensuring our program remains true to its values and traditions,” said Donald Malloure Department Chair Jerome Lynch.
George J. Huebner Award
Seth Guikema
The George J. Huebner Award recognizes faculty who have made significant and sustained research contributions. Professor Seth Guikema is honored for his work in risk assessment and management of large-scale critical infrastructure systems. His cutting-edge research develops new risk assessment methodologies that combine statistical learning methods with computational simulations. This work is relevant to societal challenges such as climate change.
Monroe-Brown Foundation Education Excellence Award
Yafeng Yin
The Monroe-Brown Foundation Education Excellence Award is given to a COE faculty member who has demonstrated sustained excellence in curricular development, instruction, and guidance at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Professor Yafeng Yin is honored for his efforts in establishing the Next Generation Transportation Systems (NGTS) program, and for his work as Associate Chair of the CEE Graduate Programs. NGTS programs conduct research in connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) and work closely with the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI), Mcity and the US DOT Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT).
Raymond J. and Monica E. Schultz Outreach and Diversity Award
Ann Jeffers
Associate Professor Ann Jeffers has received the Raymond J. and Monica E. Schultz Outreach and Diversity Award. This award honors faculty with a deep and sustained commitment to outreach and diversity as an important part of the university’s educational mission, demonstrated by academic and outreach programs that show intellectual excellence and diversity in service, teaching, and scholarship.
Jeffers serves on the department’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee and as the DEI College Liaison. Her “record of service and outreach is not only impressive for its diverse range of activities but especially so for its impact on people (on and off campus),” writes Lynch.
Ted Kennedy Family Faculty Team Excellence Award
Herek Clack, Krista Wigginton, Lutgarde Raskin
Associate Professors Herek Clack and Krista Wigginton and Vernon L. Snoeyink Distinguished University Professor Lutgarde Raskin received the Ted Kennedy Family Faculty Team Excellence Award for their collaborative efforts in developing methods for disinfecting N95 masks in 2020. The award recognizes extraordinary work from collaboration in teaching or research. Clack, Wigginton and Raskin’s work, conducted in partnership with Michigan Medicine, sought to address PPE shortages early in the pandemic.
Trudy Huebner Service Excellence Award
Jason McCormick
The Trudy Huebner Service Excellence Award honors faculty who demonstrate significant service to the college or university, including advising student groups and developing extracurricular programs. Arthur F. Thurnau Associate Professor Jason McCormick is recognized for his extensive service to the department, including his role as advisor to the Steel Bridge team and his many years of participation in college outreach programs to local elementary and middle schools.
Congratulations to all honored faculty!
Marketing Communications Specialist
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering