PhD Student Sehwan Chung Selected for MICDE Fellowship
CEE PhD student Sehwan Chung received the MICDE Fellowship to support his PhD research.
CEE PhD student Sehwan Chung received the MICDE Fellowship to support his PhD research.
Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD student Sehwan Chung was selected by the University of Michigan to receive a Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery & Engineering (MICDE) Fellowship to support his research on wearable-based human-robot collaboration in construction sites. Chung is advised by Associate Professor SangHyun Lee.
MICDE is the University of Michigan’s focal point for activities in computational science and engineering. MICDE has offered top-off fellowships since 2014 to current and prospective students whose research project involves the use and advancement of scientific computing techniques and practices. MICDE Fellows must also attend the MICDE seminar series and present a poster at the MICDE Annual Symposium.
Chung’s research focuses on wearable-based human-robot collaboration in construction sites. With advances in wearable and machine learning technology, he is developing the framework of collaboration between humans and robots in construction sites, which will eventually enhance workers’ safety and productivity and address a labor shortage in the construction industry.
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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering