CEE Students Receive Leaders and Honors Awards
The College of Engineering hosted a Student Leaders and Honors Brunch on Sunday, March 18.
The College of Engineering hosted a Student Leaders and Honors Brunch on Sunday, March 18.
The College of Engineering hosted a Student Leaders and Honors Brunch on Sunday, March 18. The event recognizes and celebrates exceptional students studying the field of engineering. Several students from Civil and Environmental Engineering were acknowledged for their academic work, leadership and service to others.
The Distinguished Leadership Award is conferred upon College of Engineering students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and service to the College, University, and community.
Michelle Pawlow, Environmental Engineering
Maria Redoutey, Civil Engineering
The Distinguished Achievement Award is given to an undergraduate or a graduate student in each degree program. Students are chosen by department and program faculty to recognize academic and personal excellence.
Claire Husselbee, Environmental Engineering
Paige Kohrs-Herwig, Civil Engineering
Presented to the outstanding graduate student (Master’s or Ph.D. students) in each degree program. Criteria considered by the department awards committee include student’s active participation in research, leadership and academic performance (GPA).
Byungjoo Choi, Civil Engineering
Yinyin Ye, Environmental Engineering
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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering