Byungjoo Choi Awarded Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement
CEE PhD candidate, Byungjoo Choi, has been awarded the Richard F. and Eleanor A. Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement.
CEE PhD candidate, Byungjoo Choi, has been awarded the Richard F. and Eleanor A. Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement.
CEE PhD candidate Byungjoo Choi has been awarded the Richard F. and Eleanor A. Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement. This is prize is presented to outstanding graduate students in each degree program. Criteria for the award includes the student’s active participation in research, their leadership and their high academic performance.
Choi’s civil engineering research focuses around how people working in construction fields perceive, interact with, make decisions and behave in the workplace. He is interested in interdisciplinary research methods that integrate traditional survey and analysis method, field experiment, computer simulations of organizational behavior, and analysis of physiological sensory data from wearable devices. Choi examines the role of socio-cognitive process on construction workers’ safety behavior using empirical study, computer simulation, and field experiments.
Choi holds a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering and a Master of Science in Architectural Engineering, Construction Engineering and Management from Seoul National University in Seoul, Korea.
He is currently working towards his PhD. in Civil Engineering. Choi is advised by Associate Professor & John L. Tishman CM Faculty Scholar, SangHyun Lee.
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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering